zondag 25 februari 2007
Michael Lerner: get them before they get you

'a fundamentally scary place filled with evil forces. In this view God is the avenger, the big man in heaven who can be invoked to use violence to overcome those evil forces, either right now or in some future ultimate reckoning. Seen through the frame of the Right Hand of God, the world is filled with constant dangers and the rational way to live is to dominate and control others before they dominate and control us ... that view of God fits neatly with a politics of militarism, xenophobic nationalism, and support for U.S. domination over other countries.'
Lerner noemt het pact dat de Republikeinen met de fundamentalisten hebben gesloten rampzalig: 'This marriage has provided a sanctimonious veneer for policies that have helped the rich get richer while ignoring the needs of the middle class and the poor, dismantling environmental and civil liberties protections, and seeking global domination. The Right champions the materialism and ruthless selfishness promoted by unrestrained capitalism ... that view of God fits neatly with a politics of militarism, xenophobic nationalism, and support for U.S. domination over other countries.'
Lerner wijst ook op de 'linkerhand van God': 'People feel a near-desperate desire to reconnect to the sacred, to find some way to unite their lives with a higher meaning and purpose and in particular to that aspect of the sacred that is built upon the loving, kind, and generous energy in the universe.'
Lerner verwijt de 'visieloze' Democraten dat zij door hun aversie tegen religie geen alternatief bieden aan de spirituele behoeftes van kiezers, waardoor zij in de armen van de (neo)conservatieven worden gedreven. Hij roept 'Links Amerika' op om aan te sturen op 'a world in which kindness, generosity, nonviolence, humility, inner and outer peace, love and wonder at the grandeur of creation stand at the center of our political and economic systems and become the major realities of our daily life experience.'
Predikant Jim Wallis is ook niet erg te spreken over het huwelijk van Republikeinen en conservatieven(Shambhala Sun, sept. 2006): 'Ik kan moeilijk geloven dat de vermindering van de belasting op vermogensaanwas en de invasie van Irak tot de eerste prioriteiten van Jezus zouden hebben behoord. Je vraagt je af hoe Jezus voor de rijken, voor oorlog en alleen maar voor Amerika is geworden.'
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