zaterdag 27 januari 2007
De grondwet: goddamned pleepapier
Er gaan hardnekkige geruchten dat zoontje Bush, die in de IQ-test met enig spieken misschien net zo goed zou kunnen scoren als onze Bonnie Sint Claire, niet helemaal weet wat een grondwet inhoudt. Volgens hem een 'goddamned piece of paper'. Bush heeft inmiddels 7 wijzigingen op dit stuk wc-papier aangebracht -een nieuw record- waaronder deze: het huwelijk is een verbintenis tussen een man en een vrouw. Hier de tekst van 'toiletpapergate':
Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act. (...) GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”
In navolging hiervan schreef Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, tegenwoordig minister van justitie: "Constitution is an outdated document."
Wie Bush op zijn wc-papier wil hebben kan het hier bestellen!
Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act. (...) GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”
In navolging hiervan schreef Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, tegenwoordig minister van justitie: "Constitution is an outdated document."
Wie Bush op zijn wc-papier wil hebben kan het hier bestellen!
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