donderdag 3 mei 2007
Ad Melkert is een laffe kronkelende bureaucraat

Het schaamteloze gelik van onze salonsocialist Melkert zoals dat blijkt uit zijn laffe briefjes aan zijn nare (inmiddels ex-)baas, de aartsconservatief Wolfowitz -nota bene de grondlegger van de Irakoorlog-, is inderdaad om licht onpasselijk van te worden:
■ It has really been an impressive privilege to be at your side when commemorating Srebrenica. Your speech was very much to the point of both the facts and the emotions.
■ Dear Paul, This is (formally needed for the records) just to confirm the outcome regarding this extraordinarily difficult issue. I would like to thank you for the very open and constructive spirit of our discussions, knowing in particular the sensitivity to Shaha, who I hope will be happy in her new assignment.
■ Please let me know whether you could accept an invitation to you and Shaha at our place, possibly joined by Bob and Beth (Don’t be concerned that I also take a ‘no’ for an answer).
The Wall Street Journal schrijft over Adje: 'Mr. Melkert, a Dutch politician now at the U.N., seems to have played an especially cowardly role'.
Waar een klein land toch groot in kan zijn...
Labels: Internationaal
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